11 photos   558 visits

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hi guys.my name is roxy
I have another accounts here:(LiveForDemiLovato,LiveForSelenaGomez and LiveForJustinBieber1 and PurpleCandy)
I have a new account here cuz I definetly love the muzic.The music makes me feel happy,makes me feel free.I love the music..
hi all
hi all
hi all
hi all

Comments • 5

MiLeYcYrUsVeRiFiEdAcCoUnTxx 29 September 2010  
u are copied "cool","nice" and "yumm" from me
TheMusicMakesMeFellHappy 29 September 2010  
I know that..lol
AlinaAlinutu 29 September 2010  
HIIII nice to meet you!!
XoSelenaGomez 29 September 2010  
xDemiLovatoxD 29 September 2010  
Hey, dear! Nice to meet you! I hope we can be friends :)<3
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